Diamond Street Drainage Improvements

This project includes (all values are approximate) 27 stormdrain structures, 1150 linear feet of 15” to 24” HDPE Pipe, 32 linear feet of RCP, several short concrete aprons/channels, and associated concrete and asphalt work. Also included are relocations of all interfering utilities including, but not limited to: water, sanitary sewer, stormdrain, gas, electric, fiber optic, and communications, along with bypass pumping, restoration, appurtenances, etc. Price shall encompass a complete project, per the plans and specifications, to include but not limited to, mobilization; permits; erosion & sediment control; demolition; trenching, sheeting, shoring and dewatering; bedding, pipe installation, backfill, and compaction; utility replacements, relocations, or temporary bracing and shoring; temporary patching and permanent pavement replacement; re-establishment of green areas and landscaping; and all elements necessary to complete the Work in a complete and first class manner.


Accepting Bids

Prebid Date 3/26/25 10:00am
Bid Date 4/10/25 2:00pm


City of Lexington, VA


890 Shop Road Lexington, VA 24450

Note: Downloading & Extracting Files Instructions below the project description.

Separate sealed Bids for the construction of

The Diamond Street Drainage Improvements which includes (all values are approximate) 27 stormdrain structures, 1150 linear feet of 15” to 24” HDPE Pipe, 32 linear feet of RCP, several short concrete aprons/channels, and associated concrete and asphalt work. Also included are relocations of all interfering utilities including, but not limited to: water, sanitary sewer, stormdrain, gas, electric, fiber optic, and communications, along with bypass pumping, restoration, appurtenances, etc. Price shall encompass a complete project, per the plans and specifications, to include but not limited to, mobilization; permits; erosion & sediment control; demolition; trenching, sheeting, shoring and dewatering; bedding, pipe installation, backfill, and compaction; utility replacements, relocations, or temporary bracing and shoring; temporary patching and permanent pavement replacement; re-establishment of green areas and landscaping; and all elements necessary to complete the Work in a complete and first class manner.

will be received by the City of Lexington at the

City of Lexington Public Works

890 Shop Road

Lexington, VA 24450

until 2:00 pm (Local Time), Thursday, April 10, 2025 and then read aloud.

Bids will also be received electronically online at www.trascoplanroom.com until 2:00 pm, local prevailing time, on April 10, 2025, and then publicly opened and read aloud virtually.

Contact Patrick Madigan at (540) 463-3155 for the link to the virtual bid opening. Online Receipt of bids will be addressed by addendum.

Copies of the Contract Documents are available from


128 Kirk Avenue, SW

Roanoke, Virginia 24011


The plans may be reviewed online at www.trascoplanroom.com. The TRASCO site shall serve as the official location for the posting of all project addenda. You will not receive Addenda and other notifications unless you are a registered bidder on the TRASCO planroom website.

As a courtesy, bid documents may also be viewed on the City’s web site at http://www.lexingtonva.gov/business/bids

A Mandatory pre-bid conference will be held at the following location:

City of Lexington Public Works

890 Shop Road

Lexington, VA 24450

on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 10:00 am.

Instructions for Downloads & Extracting Files.

Click the download button.
The download queue shows your items selected to download.
Click Continue to enter payment information. Click Submit Payment to download the files.
Note the filename ( Download_#### ) if you need to search for it later.
Save your file. Typically it saves by default to your ( Downloads ) folder.
Open your File Explorer and browse to your ( Downloads ) Folder.
Find the Download_###.zip file you downloaded. Right Click on the Download_####.zip file and click ( Extract All ). A Window will popup Extract Compressed ( Zipped ) Folders. The default should extract and create a sub-folder in your Downloads folder with the PDF files inside. Keep your ZIP Files in case you misplace, delete or corrupt your PDF file(s). You can always just extract them again. Once you have extracted the files this way you can move the unpacked folder or files. If you try to move the files out of the zip file any other way you run the risk of corrupting the pdf file(s)…